Image by FlyingSinger (Access: 01.10.2009)
Short description
Simulations are a useful teaching strategy for illustrating a complex and changing situation.
Process description
Simulations are used to put the student in a "real" situation without taking the risks. Simulations are meant to be as realistic as possible where students are able to experience consequences of their behavior and decisions. Simulations are commonly used in social studies and science but can be used in other curriculum areas.
Computer simulations are quite common in today"s virtual world.
Simulations are a useful teaching strategy for illustrating a complex and changing situation. Simulations are (necessarily) less complex than the situations they represent. In a simulation, the learner acts, the simulation reacts, the learner learns from this feedback. For the students to learn what you intend for them to learn from the simulation, you must hold a discussion during and/or after the game. This is integral to the students" learning. Practicalities have to be explained before the simulation and outcomes debriefed afterwards.