ABC list
ABC list
Image by berwis/PIXELIO zugriff 28.09.2009
Short description
Associations are generated for a topic by using the letters of the alphabet.
Process description
The instructor provides a time frame
Participants write down their associations (starting with A/B/C/D etc) and then read them out to others
Required resources
Note cards
an online forum
a word processing software
ABC-Liste for the topic "UML (Unified Modeling Language)"
A - Aggregation B - Bar diagram C - class, collaboration diagram, container D - decission E - extend F - facade G - Generalisierug H - helper class I - interface, instance K - ??? L - life line, lollipop M - modell, MDA N - nodes O - OOP, OOA P - package diagram, port, pin Q - qualifiying attributes R - reality, recursion S - sequenz diagram, stereotypes T - ??? U - use-case V - ??? W - ??? X - ??? Y - ??? Z - ???
You know more than you think. Try making an abc list for nuclear physics!