Photo Essay

Photo Essay

Picture for Photo Essay

Image by Thomas Hawk (Access: 01.10.2009)

Short description

A Photo Essay is a collection of photos that tell a story. Very few words, if any, are used to get the message across to the audience. The photo essay may be adapted to include historical information that is important to the content of the pictures. Adding music or special audio effects can enhance any multimedia presentation and set the mood that the author wants to evoke. A photo essay is a project that allows students to use higher order thinking skills.

Process description

Topic related to a unit of study is chosen. Using a central theme, concept or idea, photo essays bring photographs, text, (minimal amounts) and sound together using a multimedia package such as Powerpoint or Windows XP free Windows Movie Maker. Another idea is to have students take their own digital pictures and create a photo essay using original work. Scanned images of student art work may be used as well.

Required resources

Computer, Internet