Directed Paraphrasing

Directed Paraphrasing

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Short description

Directed Paraphrasing is a technique that allows the teacher to assess the degree to which the student understands the topic, information, reading, lab, or problem that the class is studying. It is more complicated than simple paraphrase because the teacher assigns the audience to whom the student must speak/write.

Process description

  1. Assign the topic, idea, problem, concept, etc to be paraphrased.

  2. Assign a particular audience (a younger student, your parents, a peer, the principal, etc)

  3. Give them some think time.

  4. Ask them to speak or write their directed paraphrase.

  5. Group their answers into one of the following categories:

    • Confusing

    • Minimal

    • Adequate

    • Excellent

  6. Then ask them to examine and rank the responses according to the following categories on a scale of 1 to 5.

    • Accuracy (of information)

    • Suitability (for the intended audience)

    • Effectiveness (in fulfilling the purpose) Or you can simply, circle the clearest (best) point made by the student and underline the worst (muddiest) point.

  7. Look for patterns of clarity and confusion to guide future instruction.