Methopedia workshop for F2F and online courses
Methopedia offers a great opportunity to get to know learning activities in order to design innovative seminars.
To really understand active and collaborative approaches to learning, you have to experience them! We therefore offer special workshops for learning activities based on Methopedia.
For more information please visit
Workshop formats
You will experience the learning activities – the f2f, the online methods and the e-tools (wiki, blog etc.). At the end of the course there will be a short seminar project (conducted by groups of participants).
The different formats are:
as F2F (2 – 5 days) in your institution
as F2F (4 days) in Berlin / Potsdam (Germany)
as Blended Learning (F2F- and online) – 3 month, problem based
The Blended Learning seminar will be problem based. Your task is to re-design one of your next courses (at your university or further education institution) by integrating learning activities und Internet technologies. We will meet two times f2f and one time each week in a virtual classroom.
Workshop learning design
Walk the way you talk – Could you imagine a learning activity / Methopedia workshop as a lecture? Of course the workshop will be active: few presentations, more collaboration.
Learning content
All the contents of the workshops are online in a learning platform. Every participant will get an access.
Financial support
With the EU Lifelong Learning Programme (Grundtvig) you have the opportunity to get individual grants. We will inform you.
You will find this description also here: