Subject Sampler

Subject Sampler

Picture for Subject Sampler

Image by neofob (Access: 01.10.2009)

Short description

In a Subject Sampler learners are presented with a smaller number (maybe half a dozen) of intriguing Web sites organized around a main topic. They are asked to visit the sites and respond to information found there. The selected sites can include photographs, art, music, text, and a variety of other types of information. What makes this a particularly effective way to engage students is that the teacher has chosen Web sites themselves that offer something interesting to do, read, or see about a given topic. Teachers can use a Subject Sampler when they want students to feel connected to the topic, to get emotionally involved in the topic, and to feel that the topic really matters.

Process description

  1. Teacher create list of Internet sites for students.

  2. Students are asked to respond to the Web-based activities from a personal perspective (their perspectives on topics, comparisons to experiences they have had, personal interpretations of artworks or data, etc.)

Required resources

Computer, Internet